Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

David had his PRK surgery on Saturday, which is yet another step towards actually being in the Navy. PRK is the same basic surgery as Lasik, but instead of cutting a flap of the cornea and letting it heal back together, PRK involves actually shaving off part of the Cornea and letting it all grow back- ugh! I am sure I had a harder time watching the surgery than David had experiencing it. The recovery time is longer for PRK, and it's been amazing to watch David handle it. On Sunday morning I vaguely remember David waking up and then next thing I knew he was stepping in the shower after going for a run (I slept through all of this, P.S.) Later that day we clocked his run, and the kid ran almost 4 miles the morning after his surgery! People told me he'd have to take a week off of work, but not David. He also played in his championship soccer game last night while I yelled from the sideline "Don't hurt his eyes!" He is very sensitive to light though, so he has been wearing his sunglasses everywhere (like while he sits in our dark living room watching TV). I also walked in yesterday to see David and Stephen sitting on the couch, which they moved within inches of the TV, so that David could see it better. But regardless, he CAN see, and that is a miracle. Amazing the gifts God has given some people... (Fun fact: David's doctor was the head of the Lasik program for the Air Force for awhile, and he was recently the eye doctor for a few episodes of TLC's "Ten Years Younger"!) So now we wait the six months the Navy requires after a surgery, and then he's off to boot camp. In the meantime, we have a house to sell!

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